The Apocalypse Challenge

The Sims 3 apocalypse challenge is extremely difficult and fun. It's my favorite legacy challenge to date. A lot of work went into this by the creators and it's not a small challenge so if you choose to attempt it I suggest reading through all of the rules at least once before you even start. They offer a spreadsheet to help you keep track. The spreadsheet is essential if you wish to enter the tournament.

Without further ado, here is my apocalypse challenge.

Ladies and Lords of the Night
Everything is Buggered
Sorry, Your Overqualified
Bloodline Only
Cramped Much
Evil Cartel
Fear the Reaper
Greedy Gangsters
Grilled Cheese
Moral Standards
The Eyes Have It - Hair
Ungrateful Life
Walk to Work
What are Cell Phones

EPs: All

Elder: Missy Conner – Human

Child Founder: Mia Conner – Vampire

     My name is Mia. I am 10 years old. My life is.... Well I don't have anything to compare it too but according to my mom, it's pretty bad. My mom used to tell me stories about how there were doctors to help you when you got sick. About kids playing at the park. She would tell me about all of the wonderful kinds of food and music and art. She told me that the computer I am typing on used to connect to something call the internet and she explained all of the different and wonderful things it could do. Mom would say that when she was a kid, they had clean water whenever they wanted it. They could stand in a room and it would just run over them. They didn't even need to boil it. They could drink it right from the sink. I have never known that world. Mom said that when I was little, there was an accident and all of the nuclear plants melted down and destroyed everything. She said it was all because of the bad men in charge. That their greed blinded them.

     We are doing okay though. It's just me and my mom but we are best friends. She cooks while I do my chores. Then we play tag or we just talk for a while. We don't have all of the amazing things mom talked about, but we have enough to get by and we have each other. I think we are pretty lucky!

Mom? MOM!! Can you hear me? Please mom! We need something for dinner. MOM?!

I am so scared. Something bad happened. Mom is acting weird. She doesn't do much around the house. She just wanders around like she's not even in there. Sometimes I think she doesn't even know who I am anymore. I am trying to be good. Sometimes I can get her to play a game with me. But mostly she doesn't respond. Sometimes she's okay though. She made dinner yesterday. Maybe she will be okay. I miss her so much. Maybe if I'm good then she will go back to normal.

     I get myself ready for school now. It's closed a lot because of all the snow but when it is open I work really hard. I want her to be proud. I get to eat at school too. They let us have lunch so our rations at home last a little longer. I am trying so hard to be a big girl but I think something is wrong with me too. My skin is so white and sometimes the sun hurts my eyes really bad. I have weird dreams about people biting people. This morning I could swear that I heard the mail lady thinking. I feel okay most of the time though so maybe things will get better soon. I hope.

     Two very mean men came by today. They took all of our extra ration money. They said it's for protecting us. Hmph. I don't believe them. They weren't very nice at all. The bigger problem though, is that mom can't work anymore. Sometimes she doesn't even respond to her own name. Other times she's fine. She will make dinner and pick up the laundry. I hope she gets better soon. For now, I have to find a way to make some money so we can eat. I think I will try writing some short stories. Maybe the neighbors will buy them. Mom used to love to write and she taught me a little. We used to make up the best stories together.

      I think I am doing well with my writing. I wrote 2 books already. The first one didn't sell so well but my second book is doing very well. I have sold them to almost all of my neighbors. They all say it's a hit. Things are going to get better now I know it!

     I made the money we needed to pay the bills but I wasn't fast enough. A man named Alan came to take some of our stuff. He took our phone. I guess it's okay. We don't use it anyway. He said he was really sorry and that if it were up to him he would let us keep our stuff.

     The computer broke. I don't know how to fix it. Without it I can't make any money for us. I don't know what to do now. I wish I could talk to my mom. She would know what to do if she were herself. She always knew.

     Mom and I played tag today! It was so fun! It was like I had her back again. A lot of people came by and they all joined in. I made so many new friends today.

     Alan had to come back to the house today. He almost seemed more upset than we were. We had no money for the mob again today. They are getting pretty mad. I told them that I just need a little time. I am learning how to repair things. Once I figure it out, I can repair my computer and  I can start making money again. I think they kind of knew they didn't have a choice but to let it go. The repo man has taken almost everything we have and what's left is broken and unusable. I promised I would get them their money as soon as I was able.

     Today was my birthday. I didn't really expect mom to remember but I was still a bit disappointed.

     The good news is that I finally figured out how to fix my computer! I love writing so much and it really helps to ease the stress of everything that has and is happening. I am going to be a professional author. I know I can do it. Alan was back for the third time. I wasn't going to let it get to me though. I have my computer now. I even fixed the clog in the toilet. I told Alan to be happy. Things are looking up and if all goes well, this will be the last time he has to repo our stuff.

     Mom died today. He came and he took her. Doesn't he know that I need her?! How could he do this? How can she! She left me! How could she do that? How am I supposed to do this alone. I'm still just a kid. Things are supposed to get better. How can they get better without her?

     I miss my mom so much. Sometimes I get angry at her for leaving me and for never getting better before she left. Then I feel bad for being mad at her. Mostly, I just miss her though.

     I am learning to do things on my own. I even made my own dinner for the first time. It turned out okay too.

      I have decided not to wallow in my pain. I'm almost a grown up now and life is going to be hard. I will need to be prepared for it. The first thing I need to do is get myself strong enough to go out into the world and face it.

     I started a fire! I was so scared. I managed to put it out but not before my grill was completely destroyed. Luckily I had enough money put away to replace it. I burned my dinner to a crisp. Completely inedible. I had to dip into my food stash.

     I paid the bills on time this week. I paid the mob and I am able to make at least a little money on a regular basis with my writing. Things are starting to go my way.

     Today was a BIG day for me! I have reached my physical peak. I am strong and fast. I can handle anything this world has to throw at me. My teen years are behind me now and I can feel the changes within me. Food doesn't appeal to me in the least. I feel stronger and smarter at night. I'm not sure exactly what's happening to me, but I think I like it.

     I am a vampire! I can't believe it! I invited my friend Mitchell over to talk to him about what's happening to me. I could sense his life force. I could hear his blood running through his veins. It was amazing. He was kind enough to allow me to drink from him. It was the most fantastic feeling I have ever felt. The power I felt from drinking his blood is indescribable.

     I have decided that I need a mate. I will need a regular source of blood. Plus, I am really lonely. I have gotten so used to taking care of myself that I didn't even realize just how lonely I was. I asked Shane to marry me. He is one of my very best friends and I know he isn't seeing anyone. He doesn't mind the fact that I am a vampire either.

     Things are going great! I have really grown to love Shane and he loves me. He's a little bit older than me so, even though the Military has agreed to give me a job, we want to start a family first.

     In the mean time, he is studying how to cook. Since I no longer have a taste for human food, I can't tell whether the food I cook is any good. I am studying handiness and logic. I will need these skills when I go to work so I figured I would work on them while we start our new life together.

     We are going to have a baby!! I am so excited! I am going to be a mom.

     Shane has been so great. Between studying for my new career and trying to have a healthy baby, I haven't had much time to write. Shane has taken up the slack. He is just starting out but he is making enough to cover food, bills and still pay the mob twice a week. He's so wonderful. He's going to make the best dad!

      Today we welcomed Sasha into the world. She is the most beautiful baby.

     Shane is amazing! He loves Sasha so much. I hardly even get a turn taking care of her. The least little peep and he is at her crib.

     Sasha is growing up so fast. She is so perfect. She doesn't seem to have my unique disposition. It appears that she takes after her father. I love her big brown eyes!

     I am expecting again! Sasha is going to be a big sister!

     All of my studying is finally paying off! There isn't anything around here I can't fix or upgrade.

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